Mother Bear
Please forgive me if I ask too many questions
What is an I.E.P or objective goals?
Why so many assessments? test after test
Pardon me if I come off emotional or perhaps too socially aggressive
You see I have listened to you repeatedly say
He cannot, he will not, he will never understand.
You see him as another student another I.E.P to file
But to me he is my little hero
The apple of my eye my same little guy.
Who adores the color red and blue points his index and pinky finger out
Like Spiderman whisking out his web to swing away.
So, as we sit across from each other and you pass down a diagnosis
Please understand.
I ‘m trying to keep it together as you’ve shattered my world
Hold onto hope that your possibly wrong
Think of ideas, brainstorm ways to save my son.
Try to keep calm when I want to escape this boardroom
Finally, I just accept the truth wipe my tears away
And whisper “Let’s work together for him for Pete’s sake”.
He is my superhero the apple of my eye
And I am determined to help him rise
See him shine.
This diagnosis does not define him so please,
Forgive me if I ask too many questions
Come off socially aggressive I am just a mom
Who loves her little guy.